Friday 6 August 2010

One Small Step for Blogging One Giant Leap For Ms Murty

Well here goes nothing as they say whoever they are, lol, guess it's obvious that I'm nervous anyway I should probably introduce myself that would make sense right? I'm Emma Murty I have never had a blog before or used Twitter or Facebook but I got hooked on the idea after I guest posted on my boyfriend's blog hhtp:// and again on for my new online friend Jazz Stanton.

So I think I'll write the questions you guys might be asking yourself right now and then I'll reply, it's blatantly me just talking to myself which is a very clear sign of being crazy but what the hell, lol.

Question 1: What Will This Blog Be About?

I hear you say well it will be my random observations on my life, my romance with Drew, my thoughts on yoga and possibly some recipes as I want to try and convince people that vegetarian foods can be very tasty. Oh and I tend to drop innuendos without realising it so you may get a laugh out of my dirty self concious mind, lol.

Question 2: Who Is This Drew You Mentioned?

That would be The Housebound Writer himself there will undoubtedly be pictures placed on this blog eventually of him as I have his picture on my Ipod and my phone so why would my blog be any different? How we met is what I wrote about on the date experiment blog so if you are interested about it you should check it out and FYI I may have gone beyond the PG certificate explanation I had planned it may have become and R but I'll leave you to decide, ROTFL.

Question 3: How Often Will You Be Posting?

I guess I will be posting two or three times a week I'd love to be able to do it everyday and believe me I can talk for hours about absolutely nothing so posting everyday wouldn't be a problem, lol, but I work two jobs art the moment and spend most of my free time with my true love so two to three times weekly will work best I think.

Question 4: Are You Crazy?

Yep completely if your talking about being crazy in love like BeyoncĂ© or if you meant are you completely mental? Yep I am a little mental too, lol.

Question 5:  Will You Feature Your Photography?

Yes I will and have on this very post I also give pictures to those royalty free sites online so you guys may have used one of my photographs without knowing it. I also take my camera everywhere I go so I have a lot of snaps to show, lol, some I'm proud of and some well not so much.

Well that's it for blog post 1 hope you guys didn't find it to much of a struggle to get through as I can be quite a jumbled thinker and writer. I don't know how you finish one of these off let's think Drew uses: Thanking you
The Housebound Writer nah that's not my style em Jazz uses Toodles Biatches! Hahaha I love that but no I think I'll just say:

 Sealed with a kiss Emma, ciao.



  1. The blog looks great Ems very cool but you should definitely post some pictures of yourself and show the world your beautiful smile.

  2. Awwww babes if you want me to put up a picture of myself I'll do it I'll use that picture you took on our first date, lol, you know just before..... ROTFL.

  3. You did it! Awesome! The Emma-should-get-a-blog parade worked! *laughs*

    Welcome to the blogosphere darling! I can't wait to chat with you a bit more and get to know you without a middle man/woman. ;)

    Thanks for putting my blog in your favorites list. I have to update mine (which I shall do as soon as my life stops being crazy.)

    Enjoy your blog!

  4. Hey Aheila yeah the parade worked, lol, thank you for checking my blog out and it'll be cool to get to know you, big hugs babes.

  5. Woohooooooooooooooo!!! You made a blog! Awesome *signs up immediately* You have a lovely & fun way of writing and you love to ramble, just like me. I can ramble a lot hehe ^_^. I just love your photographs too!

    Here's to your blogging adventure! *raises tea mug* May it be filled with fun stuff!

    Ciaooo Xoxo!

  6. Oh forgot to say: I love the layout too! Xx

  7. EMMA!!! OMG!!! I love it! Adding to my Blog Roll ASAP!

  8. Hey TJ thanks girl I'm having a blast, I love having you guys visit and I'm going to join BC but I'm going to wait till I get more content on here as when I was reading their guidelines it said no blogs less than a month old can join.

  9. Hey Jazz thanks babes that's a mighty compliment and it's cool to hear from you.
